原料からこだわるクラフトラム酒ブランド、LAODI (ラオディ) 。
2006 年、異国の地で自らの理想のラムづくりを追求する日本人が創業したラオス初のラム蒸留所。手作業で畑を開墾し、自社で栽培した無農薬さとうきびを原料とする。畑から一貫した品質管理を行い、高糖度さとうきびの「一番搾りジュース」のみをつかった世界でも希少な"アグリコール製法"を創業時から採用。自動化に頼らず、人間の五感によってさとうきび本来のポテンシャルを極限まで表現し、フルーティーで上質なラムづくりにこだわる。世界品評会では多数受賞。フレンチレストラン、オーセンティックバーから自然派カフェまで幅広く楽しまれる。
Founded in 2006 by a Japanese rum enthusiast pursuing his ideal of rum making in a foreign land, LAODI is the first rum distillery in Laos. The distillery is dedicated to hand-cultivating fields and growing their own pesticide-free sugarcane.
From the fields to the bottle, they maintain stringent quality control, using only the "first press juice" of their high-sugar-content sugarcane. Since its inception, LAODI has been making the rare "agricole style,” capturing the true potential of the sugarcane through the human senses rather than automation.
This meticulous approach results in a fruity and high-quality rum that has garnered numerous awards at international competitions. LAODI is enjoyed in a wide range of settings, from French restaurants and authentic bars to natural cafes.
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Laos, the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, is located about a 10-hour flight from Japan, including layovers in neighboring countries. Comparable in size to Japan's Honshu island, Laos is a Buddhist nation with a population of approximately 7.4 million.
The remnants of its former French colonial rule can still be seen in its cuisine and architecture. With rice as a staple food, the people of Laos lead a peaceful life centered around the Mekong River.
The story began with one Japanese man’s challenge to create world-class rum. Ikuzo Inoue, one of the founders and the master distiller of LAODI, used to run a chemical analysis equipment company in his hometown of Hiroshima. During a business trip to Laos and through various experiences, he established LAODI. Although he had no prior experience in distilling spirits, he leveraged his chemical knowledge and collaborated with experts, tirelessly experimenting to create a unique rum.
"Making spirits is a steady, persistent process. It’s all about whether you can farm," he often says. "It's fascinating because we start with the raw materials." Inoue emphasizes the importance of growing their own ingredients, akin to a wine chateau, and continues to innovate in crafting rum that can't be replicated elsewhere.
進み続ける SPIRIT
Initially, LAODI was sold exclusively in the Japanese market. However, sales struggled, and the company faced numerous challenges, including disputes with employees and a devastating fire at their farm.
Despite these hardships, founder Ikuzo Inoue and his local team repeatedly overcame adversity. They resolved to create a world-class rum unlike any other. After re-evaluating their production methods and bottle design, they relaunched as the new LAODI in 2014.
Looking towards the future, LAODI entrusts many critical production processes, including distillation, to local female employees. This forward-thinking approach ensures the continuity of their innovative rum-making tradition.